Sian Berry’s manifesto (Green Party) scores 10/10 for clean air policies

Clean Air Scorecard 2021

Clean Air in London (CAL) has scored the manifestos of the leading candidates for Mayor of London in a Clean Air Scorecard for the elections in 2012, 2016 and 2021.  This is our final scorecard for 2021:

CAL 395 Ranking of Mayoral candidates 2021_Final 300421

Our Clean Air Scorecard 2021 is our toughest yet because of the urgent need for bold action to address the public health and climate emergencies. We therefore sent the draft scorecard to each of the candidates in good time before the election so that they would have no excuse for missing any of our policy ‘asks’.

The Clean Air Scorecard judges manifesto policy commitments in six key headings (and 17 policy themes):

  1. Leadership before the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) and beyond – 2 points
  2. Build public understanding of air pollution and climate change including mitigation and adaptation – 2 points
  3. Ban diesel and use Emission Based Road Charging – 2 points
  4. Promote active travel including pedestrianisation backed by public health campaign – 1 point
  5. Reducing building emissions, championing renewable energy and banning incinerators – 2 points
  6. London will be the first Vegetarian Mega City by 2030 (with progress by 2024)* – 1 point

*Success would be 51% vegetarian menus and people identifying as wholly or mainly vegetarian (or vegan) by 2030.

Penalty points were deducted for backward steps on current measures e.g. the Conservatives proposing to scrap the planned extension of the Ultra Low Emission Zone to the North-South Circular on 25 October 2021.

Watch the short film about the Clean Air Scorecard:


Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London, said:

“All the leading candidates have made ‘clean air’ one of their top priorities for the London Mayoral Election 2021. Our Clean Air Scorecard is the best way we can judge the candidates fairly against the urgent task ahead.”

“This election has produced the best ever policies from the leading candidates.  But it has also produced a clear winner. Sian Berry and the Green Party thoroughly deserve 10/10.”

First – Sian Berry (10/10)

“Sian Berry and the London Green Party have smashed all records with the strongest and most comprehensive manifesto that we’ve seen in London. For example, as well as ticking all the big boxes on air pollution and climate change, Sian has some great ideas for tackling one of the thorniest but most important issues i.e. the need for London to become a more vegetarian friendly megacity to improve people’s health and reduce particle air pollution and powerful greenhouse gases like methane.”

Second – Sadiq Khan (7/10)

“Sadiq and Labour have produced an excellent manifesto. It is wide ranging, thoughtful and strong on climate, air pollution and encouraging a shift from the private car to active travel and public transport. Sadiq should be bolder in some areas but may be ‘resting on his laurels’ after Clean Air in London scored him ‘A-minus’ for delivery on clean air policies between 2016 and 2021.”

Third – Luisa Porritt (6+/10)

“Luisa and the Liberal Democrats have produced a very good manifesto. It is bold on important areas such as eliminating bus emissions, encouraging cycling and scrapping the Silvertown Tunnel project. We would like the manifesto to have covered more of the important environmental issues in a similar way.”

Fourth – Shaun Bailey (5/10)

“Shaun and the Conservatives have big ambitions for eliminating diesel from London’s bus and taxi fleet quickly. He is handicapped however, by ‘car is king’ policies and commitments and the Conservative Party being the only major political party not calling for a new Clean Air Act to decarbonise buildings.  We gave him one penalty point for pledging to scrap the planned expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone to the North-South Circular.”

Sian Berry_London_Green_Manifesto 2021_080421

Sadiq Khan_London_Labour_Manifesto 2021_060421

Luisa Porritt_London_Liberal_Democrat_Manifesto_2021

Shaun Bailey_London_Conservative_Manifesto 2021


1. UN Climate Change Conference (COP26)

2. Public understanding

Putney Society_AP and Climate before COP26_Final 140621

3. Ban diesel

4. Promote active travel

5. Reduce building emissions

6. First Vegetarian Mega City by 2030,East%20Midlands%20and%20North%20West

Previous Clean Air Scorecards

Updated 14 June 2021

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