How and when will Sadiq keep his clean air pledge if he doesn’t #BanDiesel?
Many roads in central London will tend to have the highest concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the world as a result of diesel vehicles emitting 90-95% of the most harmful exhaust emissions including NO2. Worse, levels of NO2 are higher this year than last in some hotspots ‘Clean Air in London’ estimates there were ... Read more

World cities must lead on Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030
Written evidence submitted by Clean Air in London to the Environmental Audit Committee’s inquiry into the Sustainable Development Goals in the UK Executive summary Clean Air in London’s (CAL’s) submission: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030) offers great opportunity to align global efforts to achieve a better future for people and the environment ... Read more

‘Generous 6/10’ for Mayor’s action plan to battle London’s toxic air
Your plan contrasts strongly with Boris Johnson’s who bought us 1,000 ‘vanity buses’, championed ‘car is king’ policies and we found guilty of public health fraud on an industrial scale But it’s not good enough. Diesel must be banned as coal was banned successfully 60 years ago Dear Mayor Khan I am writing on behalf ... Read more

Camfil is sponsoring our keynote speech on indoor air quality
Camfil’s ‘Clean Air Roadshow’ is coming back to London to raise awareness of the health effects of air pollution. Camfil is bringing their Clean Air Roadshow back to London in June to highlight the issues surrounding air pollution and the links between outdoor and indoor air quality. Camfil is a world leader in the development ... Read more

352 reasons ‘not’ to vote for Zac Goldsmith
352 reasons to vote for the Greens (or Lib Dems) with second preferences to Sadiq Khan London has all 352 road links in the UK expected to exceed the legal limit for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in 2020. 41 of these are expected to exceed the limit in 2025 Zac Goldsmith is the only leading candidate ... Read more

‘Breathtaking’ breach of NO2 annual legal limit in eight days
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) hourly legal limit for the whole of 2016 has been breached in London in just eight days World Health Organisation guideline is for no human exposure to NO2 over 200 micrograms per cubic metre (ug/m3) measured over one hour. The EU legal limit, also in UK law, is 18 hours in a ... Read more

Most-read stories in 2015
A look back at the campaign letters and media releases that proved the most popular in 2015. January Oxford Street has already breached nitrogen dioxide hourly limit value for 2015 https://cleanair.london/sources/oxford-street-has-breached-nitrogen-dioxide-hourly-limit-value-for-2015/ Mayor Johnson and current Government must join Labour apology on diesel https://cleanair.london/sources/mayor-johnson-and-current-government-must-join-labour-apology-on-diesel/ February Investigation finds few hospitals comply with indoor air quality standards https://cleanair.london/indoor-air-quality/investigation-finds-few-hospitals-comply-with-indoor-air-quality-standards/ ... Read more