New Clean Air Act
Written evidence submitted to Parliament’s Super Inquiry into Air Quality Improving air quality inquiry I am writing on behalf of Clean Air in London (CAL) to respond to the unprecedented joint inquiry on air quality relaunched by the Environmental Audit Committee and the Environment Food and Rural Affairs, Health and Transport Committees. CAL is a ... Read more

#ULEZ and #TCharge are important steps on the path to banning carcinogenic diesel fumes
#ULEZ and #TCharge are important steps on the path to banning carcinogenic diesel fumes in London. But Mayor Khan must take bigger, stronger and smarter steps to keep his manifesto pledge to ‘restore London’s air quality to legal and safe levels’. The Emissions Surcharge (T-Charge or #TCharge) commenced in London at 7.00am on Monday 23 ... Read more

Open letter to Mayor Khan seeking urgent action on tube dust
Air pollution in the London Underground (‘tube dust’): expert health advice; warnings; and action Dear Sadiq I am writing on behalf of Clean Air in London (CAL) about air pollution in the London Underground (‘tube dust’ and ‘Tube’) to urge you to do much more, much faster to: understand the health risks (adopting a precautionary ... Read more

Blame Maggie Thatcher and every Government since for knowingly poisoning us with carcinogenic diesel fumes
Blame Maggie Thatcher and every Government since for knowingly poisoning us with carcinogenic diesel fumes Government’s new nitrogen dioxide (NO2) plan reveals bigger problems and less action than expected and no commitment to diesel scrappage. London is still expected to breach the World Health Organisation guideline and legal limit for NO2 in 2030 with no ... Read more

Brixton Road breaches NO2 hourly legal limit for 2017 in five days
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) hourly legal limit for the whole of 2017 has been breached in London in just five days World Health Organisation guideline is for no human exposure to NO2 over 200 micrograms per cubic metre (ug/m3) measured over one hour. The EU legal limit, also in UK law, is 18 hours in a ... Read more