Most-read stories of 2014
A look back at the campaign letters and media releases that proved the most popular in 2014. January First ever rankings for Top 10 death rates for every borough in London https://cleanair.london/hot-topics/first-ever-rankings-of-top-10-death-rates-for-every-london-borough/ February Europe at its ‘best’ takes legal action against UK at its ‘worst’ on air pollution https://cleanair.london/hot-topics/europe-at-its-best-takes-legal-action-against-uk-at-its-worst-on-air-pollution/ March Licensed Taxi Drivers Association supports ... Read more

Defra condemned for proposals scrapping local air pollution monitoring
Consultation on proposals to improve local air quality management (LAQM) in England Defra is proposing modified Option 3 from its 2013 consultation on LAQM (now Option 1), that was rejected by over 18,000 people and organisations, and to scrap ‘Further assessments’ under ‘Business as usual’. It is unclear whether Defra also intends (catastrophically) to scrap ... Read more

EAC report on air pollution slams Government and has no plaudits for Mayor
Best report yet from the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) on air pollution slams the Government for five years of inaction and adds no credibility to the Mayor’s claims of success in London EAC puts forward a comprehensive and practical package of measures to reduce air pollution (particularly diesel in cities) and protect people (particularly the ... Read more

Complaint to Advertising Standards Authority about Mayor’s ULEZ advertisement
Londoners may be wildly misled by the Mayor’s claims of reductions in vehicle pollution Letter addressed to the Advertising Standards Authority dated 24 November 2014 Dear Sir or Madam I am writing on behalf of Clean Air in London (CAL) to lodge a serious compliant about advertising by or on behalf of the Mayor of ... Read more

Mayor publishes health study revealing deaths attributable to NO2
‘Clean Air in London’ (CAL) estimates 5,061 deaths attributable to dangerous airborne particles (PM2.5) in London in 2020 and 5,159 in 2025. These compare with the Mayor’s estimate of 4,267 for PM2.5 in 2008. CAL estimates 2,684 deaths attributable to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in London in 2020 and 1,893 in 2025 with up to one-third ... Read more

Massive win for ClientEarth on all counts in landmark air pollution case
Court of Justice of the European Union Judgement in Case C-404/13 ‘The Queen, on the application of ClientEarth v The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ UK Supreme Court must require Defra, in this case, to produce a meaningful air quality plan to ensure that the exceedance period for nitrogen dioxide ... Read more

‘Clean Air in London’ emphatically supports Cycle Superhighways
Clean Air in London emphatically supports East-West and North-South Cycle Superhighways However, Mayor Johnson must be honest about their impacts and address these in full. CAL wants the Mayor to accelerate the implementation of the CSH and mitigate in full any consequent increases in air pollution e.g. by increasing the Congestion Charge in early 2016 ... Read more

Environmental Audit Committee may have been misled by Mayor
Environmental Audit Committee may have been misled by the Mayor of London’s evidence about nitrogen dioxide (NO2)levels in London relative to other cities Mayor has unfairly criticised King’s College London scientists for their reported comments Separately, a new survey for Clean Air in London of 100 MPs found a lack of understanding of the health ... Read more

Laughable | Mayor wins prestigious Award for ‘New taxi for London’ project
Siemens and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) announced the winners of the City Climate Leadership Awards 2014 at a ceremony held on Monday night in New York City. The Awards honour cities all over the world for excellence in urban sustainability and leadership in the fight against climate change. London won the Air ... Read more

Mayor is destroying the taxi industry in London
Taxi and Private Hire Services in London. Letter to Caroline Pidgeon AM, MBE. I am sending this submission on Taxi and Private Hire Services in London on behalf of Clean Air in London (CAL) to the London Assembly Transport Committee’s inquiry into Taxi and Private Hire Services in London. http://www.london.gov.uk/mayor-assembly/london-assembly/investigations/taxi-and-private-hire-services-in-london Investigation CAL understands that the London Assembly ... Read more

Tunnel Cleaning Train delayed until 2017 or later
Delays blamed on need to ensure ‘asbestos containing material’ across 98% of network is ‘removed or encapsulated’ and other reasons ‘Tube dust’ concentrations range between 700 micrograms per cubic metre (ug/m3) and 960 ug/m3 at worst stations. Levels may be up to 25 times the legal limit allowed in ambient air at street level Tube ... Read more

Air pollution revealed at Mayor’s 187 Air Quality Focus Areas for first time
Information obtained using powerful European access to environmental information laws despite obstruction by Defra. Mayor continues to hide more precise information by making it inaccessible to anyone without access to complex and expensive computer software Every London borough is listed among the Mayor’s Air Quality Focus Areas. Highest modelled levels of air pollution are: over ... Read more