Camfil Farr is a Sponsor
Camfil Farr UK becomes the first Gold Sponsor of Clean Air in London New campaign to build public understanding of the dangers of indoor air quality, initially in London, with advice for people on protecting themselves and reducing pollution Camfil Farr in the UK has become the first Gold Sponsor of Clean Air in London ... Read more
Government fails to justify time extension to comply with EU limit values for nitrogen dioxide
The Rt. Hon. Caroline Spelman MP Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs c/o Ekoere Dienne Atmosphere and Local Environment Programme Defra Area 5F Ergon House Horseferry Road London SW1P 3AL By post and email: [email protected] 4 August 2011 Dear Secretary of State Government fails to make any case for a time extension to ... Read more
Westminster City Council’s consultation on its draft Air Quality Strategy
Councillor Alastair Moss Deputy Cabinet Member for Built Environment Chairman of the Planning and City Development Committee City of Westminster City Hall 64 Victoria Street London SW1H 0ND By post and email: [email protected] 22 July 2011 Dear Alastair Draft Air Quality Action Plan Consultation I am writing on behalf of Clean Air in London (CAL) to ... Read more
What is a Berlin-type Clean Air Zone?
Draft and without prejudice 270611 Clean Air Zone for London (for the Olympics with a valuable legacy thereafter) Many problems to resolve Health – Link between traffic-related air pollution and new cases of asthma in children. 15,800 cardiovascular deaths in London in 2009 at an average additional loss of life of three years each Legal ... Read more
‘Clean Air in London’ has found 1,148 schools in London within 150 metres of busiest roads
Long-term exposure to air pollution may have contributed to all 15,800 deaths due to cardiovascular causes in London in 2009 (i.e. one in three of all deaths) at an average additional loss of life for each of these adults of some three years at typical ages (e.g. 15% below age 65) New scientific research indicates ... Read more
Government issues national ‘High pollution episode warning: First “summer-smog” of 2011’
‘Bad Air Day (B.A.D.) 2011 for particles’ as PM10 daily limit value for a whole year is breached in London in less than four months – more than two months earlier than last year Government issues national ‘High pollution episode warning: First “summer-smog” of 2011’ UK has now breached for 2011 the legal standard for ... Read more
Olympic Transport Plan would lead to breaches of air pollution laws
Hugh Sumner Director of Transport Olympic Delivery Authority One Churchill Place Canary Wharf London E14 5LN Mayor Johnson Chairman Transport for London Windsor House 42-50 Victoria Street London SW1H 0TL By email and registered post 8 April 2011 Dear Mr Sumner and Mayor Johnson Stakeholder consultation on the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Olympic ... Read more
European Commission grants ‘temporary and conditional exemption’ to comply with PM10 daily limit value
Mayor Johnson stumbles and falls after backward steps on air quality ‘Wake-up call’ to Mayor and so-called ‘greenest Government’ in run-up to London 2012 Olympics Clean Air in London (CAL) hails European Commission’s temporary and conditional exemption as an ideal mechanism to maximise pressure on UK to comply with health based laws. It requires urgent ... Read more
Government obtains the right to add or substitute exceptions to avoid disclosing information
Government obtains the right to add or substitute exceptions to avoid disclosing information Information may relate to European Commission’s imminent infraction decision on PM10 The Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) has made a landmark decision on an access to information appeal involving the Home Office and the Information Commissioner’s Office. The decision gives the Government ... Read more
Mayor promises to mitigate impact of WEZ removal
Clean Air in London exacts promise from Mayor to deliver compensatory measures which will ensure cleaner air for west London despite the removal of the WEZ Mayor Johnson has created a ‘substantive legitimate expectation’ that offsetting measures will be introduced to ensure not only that there is no worsening of air quality within the western ... Read more
Government attempts to keep London air pollution information secret
Friends of the Earth/Clean Air in London press release Government attempts to keep London air pollution information secret A freedom of information tribunal is being urged by environmental campaigners to reject Government attempts to keep secret sections of ministerial briefing papers on air pollution in London. The Government’s appeal against a previous ruling to make ... Read more
Clean Air in Cities app
Download our app to keep up to date with air pollution at your location
The app shows current levels of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) globally and the health impact of long-term exposure to PM2.5 for populations in England