‘Clean Air in London’ gives conditional support to new EU Air Quality Directive
‘Clean Air in London’ gives conditional support to new EU Air Quality Directive The Campaign for Clean Air in London (CCAL) thanks President Barroso, the European Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament for resolving their legislative impasse and agreeing new legislation to reduce Europe’s air pollution CCAL’s support for the new Directive ... Read more
Defra’s consultation on report regarding plans and programmes to meet EU air quality limit values
Consultation responses required by 7 November 2007 The Rt. Hon. Hilary Benn MP The Rt. Hon. Ruth Kelly MP Secretary of State Secretary of State Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Department for Transport Nobel House Great Minster House 17 Smith Square 76 Marsham Street London SW1P 3JR London SW1P 4DR By email to: ... Read more
What is the DfT doing to ensure the UK meets EU air quality limit values?
The Rt. Hon. Ruth Kelly MP, Secretary of State for Transport, Department for Transport, Great Minster House, 76 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DR By email to: [email protected] 24 October 2007 Dear Secretary of State What is the DfT doing to ensure the UK meets EU air quality limit values? The primary purpose of this letter is ... Read more
Mayor’s consultation on Emissions Related Congestion Charging (the CO2 Charge)
Mayor Livingstone Lucinda Turner Chair of TfL Board Policy Manager Central Customer Services Planning (Road User Charging) 23rd Floor Empress State Building Transport for London Empress Approach Windsor House London SW6 1TR ... Read more
Government admits evasively EU air quality action
Government admits evasively EU air quality action Government credibility on air pollution has hit a new low, shortly before the crucial Climate Change Bill debates, after being forced to admit European Commission action on Air Quality legal breaches The Government has admitted that the United Kingdom (UK) has received a Letter of Formal Notice (first ... Read more
European Commission takes action on UK breaches of air quality legal limits
European Commission takes action on UK breaches of air quality legal limits The European Commission has written to the Campaign for Clean Air in London at Commissioner Dimas’ request replying to its letter dated 12 May 2007 urging him to ask the European Court of Justice to commence enforcement action against the United Kingdom (UK) ... Read more
No political will shown in Defra’s new Air Quality Strategy for the UK
No political will shown in Defra’s new Air Quality Strategy for the UK The new Air Quality Strategy for the UK was published by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) on 17 July 2007. Commenting on the new Strategy, Simon Birkett, Principal Contact for the Campaign for Clean Air in London, said: ... Read more
Defra consultation on Climate Change Bill: Treat air pollution holistically
Our reference: CCAL/CCB/02 Mr David Miliband Secretary of State Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Nobel House 17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR 13 May 2007 By email to: [email protected] + [email protected] Dear Secretary of State Response to Consultation on Climate Change Bill: Treat air pollution holistically Summary This letter is sent on behalf ... Read more
Setting and enforcing European Union legal limits for air quality
Our reference: Transport/EU/02 Commissioner Stavros Dimas The Commissioner for the Environment DG Environment Directorate-General European Commission B – 1049 Brussels Belgium By post and email to: [email protected] 12 May 2007 Dear Commissioner Dimas Setting and enforcing European Union Legal Limits for Air Quality Summary This letter is sent on behalf of the Campaign for Clean ... Read more
Importance of individual air pollutants confirmed
Importance of individual air pollutants confirmed Air pollution in London is two to three times World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended levels in some of the busiest streets and resulted in the deaths of over 1,000 people in 2005 (which is more than four times the number that died from road traffic accidents). Therefore, with WHO ... Read more
Achieving WHO recommended standards of air quality throughout London by 2012 Olympics
David Higgins Chief Executive Olympic Delivery Authority London 2012 One Churchill Place Canary Wharf London E14 5LN 21 April 2007 Dear Mr Higgins Achieving sustainably at least World Health Organisation recommended standards of air quality throughout London by 2012 Olympics I am writing on behalf of the Campaign for Clean Air in London to ask ... Read more
Petition Prime Minister for Clean Air in London
Petition Prime Minister for Clean Air in London To all Londoners (and others in the UK) worried about poor air quality: “We are petitioning the Prime Minister to Pledge the Government’s full support to achieve urgently World Health Organisation recommended standards of air quality throughout London. Please sign our Petition to the Prime Minister today ... Read more
Clean Air in Cities app
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The app shows current levels of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) globally and the health impact of long-term exposure to PM2.5 for populations in England