Government treats limit values with contempt by M4 bus lane

‘Clean Air in London’ (CAL) lodges formal three-part complaint with the European Commission ‘Part one’ of the Complaint is that the Secretary of State for Transport proceeded with the permanent ...

Government admits widespread breaches of air pollution laws

34 of 43 UK zones breached the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) annual limit value in 2012 Cardiff has joined Leicester, North Wales, Nottingham and Portsmouth in breaching the terms of their time ...

Government ‘cover-ups’ or legal breaches during consultation to scrap monitoring

Government’s four proposals to scrap or reduce Local Air Quality Management are unacceptable  Government ‘covered-up’ and/or breached its legal duty to issue two separate ‘Information alerts’ to warn the public ...

EU (much) more ‘competent’ than UK Government on air quality

Call for Evidence: Environment and Climate Change Only the EU has competence to set Europe-wide product standards and environmental limits 75% of UK respondents to a recent Eurobarometer survey on ...

Launch of ‘Clean Air in Cities app’ (2013)

‘World first’: Launch of Clean Air in Cities IndexTM (or Birkett IndexTM) and App to report the health impact on the population of long-term exposure to air pollution Over 100 ...

‘Tube dust’: broken promises, ‘blind eye turned’ and duty breached

Promises broken about informing the public about ‘tube dust’  Mayor of London ‘turning a blind eye’ to repeated warnings from scientists and others of the dangers of airborne particles including in ...

‘Free market’ anarchists lobbying EU Environment Ministers to weaken health protections

‘Year of Air’ in 2013 Government is expected to lobby for weaker public health protections at an informal meeting of EU Environment Ministers in Dublin next Monday and Tuesday Instead, ...

Effective local action on air pollution in London

Presentation at Mapping for Change conference ‘Effective local action on air pollution in London’ at University College London on 17 April 2013. Details at: Useful links and 1.  Keith ...

Mayor’s backward steps, wish lists for others and failure to tackle air pollution

Mayor has today lost control of his own destiny.  It is now up to ClientEarth and the Supreme Court or the European Commission to force action The Mayor of London ...

Tube dust is not ‘safe’

Health and Environment Committee air quality work programme  Clean Air in London (CAL) congratulates the Health and Environment Committee (Committee) on the publication of ‘Air pollution in London – Issues ...

Quick guide to air pollution

Known health and other impacts of air pollution have risen much faster than levels of air pollution have fallen 1.      How bad is air pollution in London? London has ...

Most-read stories of 2012

A look back at the media releases and campaign letters that proved the most popular in 2012. January ‘Clean Air in London’ lodges complaint over breaches of air pollution laws ...

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