EAC report on air pollution slams Government and has no plaudits for Mayor

Best report yet from the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) on air pollution slams the Government for five years of inaction and adds no credibility to the Mayor’s claims of success ...

Massive win for ClientEarth on all counts in landmark air pollution case

Court of Justice of the European Union Judgement in Case C-404/13 ‘The Queen, on the application of ClientEarth v The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ ...

Environmental Audit Committee may have been misled by Mayor

Environmental Audit Committee may have been misled by the Mayor of London’s evidence about nitrogen dioxide (NO2)levels in London relative to other cities Mayor has unfairly criticised King’s College London ...

Laughable | Mayor wins prestigious Award for ‘New taxi for London’ project

Siemens and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) announced the winners of the City Climate Leadership Awards 2014 at a ceremony held on Monday night in New York City. ...

Mayor is destroying the taxi industry in London

Taxi and Private Hire Services in London.  Letter to Caroline Pidgeon AM, MBE. I am sending this submission on Taxi and Private Hire Services in London on behalf of Clean ...

Air pollution revealed at Mayor’s 187 Air Quality Focus Areas for first time

Information obtained using powerful European access to environmental information laws despite obstruction by Defra.  Mayor continues to hide more precise information by making it inaccessible to anyone without access to ...

Boris takes backward steps on his own ULEZ

Mayor announces plans for £10 daily charge for pre-Euro 6 diesel vehicles entering the central congestion charging area from 2020 after previously planning a ban Simon Birkett, Founder and Director ...

Response to Environmental Audit Committee Call for evidence on air quality

Defra may be shifting from passively covering up the air pollution issue to actively covering up the issue and its role in fighting it Busy fool might have achieved greater ...

Licensed Taxi Drivers Association supports our air pollution campaign

Licenced Taxi Drivers Association supports Clean Air in London’s campaign to build public understanding of air pollution The Licenced Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA) has agreed to support Clean Air in ...

Europe at its ‘best’ takes legal action against UK at its ‘worst’ on air pollution

European Commission (Commission) has sent the UK a ‘Letter of formal notice’ for breaching nitrogen dioxide (NO2) limit values in 16 of 43 zones.  The UK is the first of ...

Most-read stories of 2013

A look back at the campaign letters and media releases that proved the most popular in 2013 January Quick guide to air pollution and the ‘Year of Air’ https://cleanair.london/news/quick-guide-to-air-pollution/ Outcome: ...

Stop hiding air pollution and ban diesel exhaust in two stages to 2020 as coal was banned 60 years ago

Ultra low emission zone: Diesel exhaust is the problem; and banning it is the solution Transport for London is expected to propose the Euro 6 standard for diesel and the ...

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