‘Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill’ published with full legal text

Baroness Jenny Jones (Green Party) ‘introduced’ the Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill to the House of Lords on 5 July 2018 i.e. the 62nd anniversary of the first Clean Air ...

#CodeYellow for Liverpool Marathon and Great Manchester Run

Clean Air in London has issued a #CodeYellow warning to the organisers of the ‘Rock and Roll Liverpool Marathon’ and ‘Great Manchester Run’ for MODERATE air pollution on Sunday 20 ...

‘Generous 6/10’ for Mayor’s action plan to battle London’s toxic air

Your plan contrasts strongly with Boris Johnson’s who bought us 1,000 ‘vanity buses’, championed ‘car is king’ policies and we found guilty of public health fraud on an industrial scale ...

Camfil is sponsoring our keynote speech on indoor air quality

Camfil’s ‘Clean Air Roadshow’ is coming back to London to raise awareness of the health effects of air pollution. Camfil is bringing their Clean Air Roadshow back to London in ...

352 reasons ‘not’ to vote for Zac Goldsmith

352 reasons to vote for the Greens (or Lib Dems) with second preferences to Sadiq Khan London has all 352 road links in the UK expected to exceed the legal ...

Most-read stories in 2015

A look back at the campaign letters and media releases that proved the most popular in 2015. January Oxford Street has already breached nitrogen dioxide hourly limit value for 2015 ...

Clean Air Manifesto 2016

This is Clean Air in London’s (CAL) manifesto for the Mayoral and London Assembly elections on 5 May 2016.  We’re scoring the Mayoral candidates against these 10 pledges. The Mayor’s ...

Mayor gets ‘C minus’ in new ranking of air quality in 23 European cities

After seven years, Mayor is lucky to get a ‘C minus’ in new ranking of air quality in 23 European cities Top five cities of Zurich, Copenhagen, Vienna, Stockholm and ...

Mayor issues his first HIGH air pollution warning

Quotes Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London, said: “Well done Boris for issuing his first HIGH air pollution warning since launching his Breathe Better Together campaign ...

Eight point transformation package for the taxi and PHV industry

The Licensed Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA) and Clean Air in London (CAL) invite the Mayor to commit to an ‘Eight point transformation package’ for the taxi and private hire industry ...

Most-read stories of 2014

A look back at the campaign letters and media releases that proved the most popular in 2014. January First ever rankings for Top 10 death rates for every borough in ...

Defra condemned for proposals scrapping local air pollution monitoring

Consultation on proposals to improve local air quality management (LAQM) in England Defra is proposing modified Option 3 from its 2013 consultation on LAQM (now Option 1), that was rejected ...

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