Highest NO2 in Europe

Clean Air in London’s (CAL’s) analysis of the latest data confirms that London had the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a toxic gas, of any capital city in Europe ...

Boris gets ‘nul points’

Vote for Jenny Jones (Green) or Brian Paddick (Liberal Democrat); and give your second preference to Ken Livingstone (Labour).  Boris Johnson offers no new policies to reduce air pollution and ...

Guide to solutions: Mayor Johnson caught taking backward steps (again)

Mayoral election: Boris Johnson caught reducing health protections for Londoners Vote for Jenny Jones (Green) or Brian Paddick (Liberal Democrat); and give your second preference to Ken Livingstone (Labour).  Boris ...

Public health fraud

Using pollution suppressants in front of the official air quality monitors most-used to warn the public of smog episodes and report legal breaches is public health fraud on an industrial ...

10 steps for Clean Air in London

Step 1: Investigate Find out about air pollution near your home, work place or locations you visit Read Clean Air in London’s ‘Quick guide to air pollution’ and ‘Introduction to ...

Complaint to Commission

‘Clean Air in London’ (CAL) calls for Caroline Spelman MP to be held accountable and resign for the UK misleading the European Commission (Commission) over its Plans and Programmes for ...

Olympic transport plans would cause unmitigated breaches of air pollution laws

The Transport Committee Reply to the call for evidence submitted by: Clean Air in London 26 February 2012 Transport plans for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Introduction 1.   The ...

‘Clean Air in London’ launches manifesto for the Mayoral and London Assembly election

‘Clean Air in London’ calls on all the Mayoral candidates to promise in their manifestos to end the biggest public health crisis for decades We need a Mayor who will: ...

Updating the Clean Air Act for modern fuels and technologies

Clean Air Act and Solid Fuel Burning in London What is the Clean Air Act? The Clean Air Act is legislation that regulates how fuels are burnt in homes, commercial ...

Manifesto for the Mayoral and London Assembly elections

A manifesto for ‘clean air in London’ for the Mayoral and London Assembly elections in 2012 London must lead the world in tackling ‘invisible’ air pollution as it did after ...

Guide to health impacts: ‘Invisible’ air pollution is the biggest public health failing or ‘cover-up’ for decades

‘Invisible’ air pollution: the biggest public health failing or ‘cover-up’ for decades Air pollution is much worse than most of us have realised.  It regularly exceeds twice World Health Organisation ...

EIR request shows Mayor Johnson failing to warn Londoners and may be seeking to mislead us

Environmental information request shows Mayor Johnson is failing to warn Londoners and may be actively seeking to mislead us about the biggest public health crisis since the Great Smog of ...

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