Introduction to air pollution

1. What are the health impacts of air pollution? Air pollution is much worse than most of us have realised.  When compared to other environmental factors affecting public health only ...

Most-read stories of 2011

The most-read stories of 2011 A look back at the campaign letters and updates that proved the most popular during the year. January Government attempts to keep London air pollution ...

Introduction to Pollution Check

Clean Air in London (CAL) aims to do a Pollution Check every day in the same residential area in central London. Headline results are tweeted at CAL uses a ...

Introduction to the Pollution Suppressor

This webpage provides links to posts and pages about the Pollution Suppressor in London.  See also the YouTube video of the Pollution Suppressor operating by the Marylebone Road air quality ...

EAC inquiry damns Government’s failure

No Parliamentary Select Committee can ever have published a more damning report of a Government’s failure to protect its people from harm CAL welcomes the EAC’s blistering attack on the ...

Reducing sulphur emissions from shipping

The Transport Committee Reply to the call for evidence submitted by: Clean Air in London 11 October 2011 Sulphur emissions by ships 1.   The Transport Committee has invited written evidence ...

Clean Air Act must be updated for modern fuels and technologies and be enforced

Red Tape Challenge Cabinet Office 70 Whitehall London SW1A 2AS By email: [email protected] 21 September 2011 Dear Sir or Madam Red Tape Challenge – Environment – Air Quality Clean Air Act ...

‘Clean Air in London’ has found 1,148 schools in London within 150 metres of busiest roads

Long-term exposure to air pollution may have contributed to all 15,800 deaths due to cardiovascular causes in London in 2009 (i.e. one in three of all deaths) at an average ...

European Commission grants ‘temporary and conditional exemption’ to comply with PM10 daily limit value

Mayor Johnson stumbles and falls after backward steps on air quality ‘Wake-up call’ to Mayor and so-called ‘greenest Government’ in run-up to London 2012 Olympics Clean Air in London (CAL) ...

An introduction to poor air quality in London

An introduction to poor air quality in London By Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London ‘Unlimited and free access to clean air of an acceptable quality ...

Government releases previously unpublished spreadsheets for calculating premature deaths due to air pollution in London after formal information request

Boris Johnson Mayor of London Greater London Authority City Hall The Queen’s Walk More London London SE1 2AA By email:  [email protected] 20 September 2009 Dear Mayor Johnson Government releases previously unpublished ...

Sixty five recommendations from ‘Clean Air in London’ to improve air quality in London

Sixty five recommendations from ‘Clean Air in London’ to improve air quality in London Working draft submitted to London Assembly Environment Committee and others: 1 May 2009 Vision: Major public ...

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