After seven years, Mayor is lucky to get a ‘C minus’ in new ranking of air quality in 23 European cities Top five cities of Zurich, Copenhagen, Vienna, Stockholm and Berlin have either met, or are due to meet, the EU limit values within the next two years.  In stark contrast, London has no plans … Read more

Quotes Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London, said: “Well done Boris for issuing his first HIGH air pollution warning since launching his Breathe Better Together campaign on 30 January this year. “This episode, the third of the year so far, is being caused by collapsing wind speeds and a change in … Read more

The Licensed Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA) and Clean Air in London (CAL) invite the Mayor to commit to an ‘Eight point transformation package’ for the taxi and private hire industry in London for the benefit of current and future generations of Londoners. The ‘Eight point transformation package’ needed from the Mayor of London: Require electric … Read more

Mayor Johnson estimates 29 hospitals in central London will still be exposed to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels exceeding the World Health Organisation guideline and legal limit in 2020 Clean Air in London (CAL) has found only four of 10 NHS hospital trusts in London currently complying fully with British and European standards for indoor air … Read more

Mayor Johnson and current Government must join Labour apology on diesel Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London, said: “Clean Air in London welcomes Labour’s admission of previous Government blunders favouring diesel over petrol.  We eagerly await Channel 4 Dispatches “The Great [Diesel] Car Con” tomorrow. “Since 1993, successive Governments have … Read more

Oxford Street breached the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) hourly limit value for the whole of 2015 on 4 January.  Putney High Street expected to breach on 5 January.  Brixton Road will breach soon Mayor has taken a succession of backward steps on his proposed Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) since announcing it two years ago.  Gap between … Read more

A look back at the campaign letters and media releases that proved the most popular in 2014. January First ever rankings for Top 10 death rates for every borough in London February Europe at its ‘best’ takes legal action against UK at its ‘worst’ on air pollution March Licensed Taxi Drivers Association supports … Read more

Consultation on proposals to improve local air quality management (LAQM) in England Defra is proposing modified Option 3 from its 2013 consultation on LAQM (now Option 1), that was rejected by over 18,000 people and organisations, and to scrap ‘Further assessments’ under ‘Business as usual’.  It is unclear whether Defra also intends (catastrophically) to scrap … Read more

Best report yet from the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) on air pollution slams the Government for five years of inaction and adds no credibility to the Mayor’s claims of success in London EAC puts forward a comprehensive and practical package of measures to reduce air pollution (particularly diesel in cities) and protect people (particularly the … Read more

Londoners may be wildly misled by the Mayor’s claims of reductions in vehicle pollution Letter addressed to the Advertising Standards Authority dated 24 November 2014 Dear Sir or Madam I am writing on behalf of Clean Air in London (CAL) to lodge a serious compliant about advertising by or on behalf of the Mayor of … Read more

‘Clean Air in London’ (CAL) estimates 5,061 deaths attributable to dangerous airborne particles (PM2.5) in London in 2020 and 5,159 in 2025.  These compare with the Mayor’s estimate of 4,267 for PM2.5 in 2008.  CAL estimates 2,684 deaths attributable to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in London in 2020 and 1,893 in 2025 with up to one-third … Read more

Court of Justice of the European Union Judgement in Case C-404/13 ‘The Queen, on the application of ClientEarth v The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ UK Supreme Court must require Defra, in this case, to produce a meaningful air quality plan to ensure that the exceedance period for nitrogen dioxide … Read more