‘Clean Air in London’ (CAL) commissioned the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to update for the first time its ranking of the top 10 death categories for every borough in London for every year between 2001 and 2014 inclusive.  The ONS produced the first ever such ranking for CAL in January 2013 Mayoral candidates are … Read more

Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London, said: “The law about air pollution is not being properly applied.  So ‘Clean Air in London’ (CAL) asked Harrison Grant, its environmental solicitors, to obtain advice from Queen’s Counsel on the approach which planning authorities across the UK should take to Air Quality Law (see … Read more

Defra buries consultation for diesel bans in cities minutes before Corbyn announcement Consultation promises further consultation in ‘early 2016’ on a ‘four tier’ national framework to ban or charge pre-Euro 6 diesel vehicles entering ‘Clean Air Zones’ in at least eight UK cities by 2020 but passes all responsibility, without money or new powers, to … Read more

Camfil air filters reduced air pollution in a London office by up to 93% during the worst air pollution episode so far this year Daily mean outdoor particle air pollution (PM2.5) hit 346 ug/m3 on 18 March which is nearly 14 times the World Health Organisation guideline Five air filter combinations were tested by Camfil.  … Read more

The past, present and future of air pollution in London. Event at City Hall hosted by Murad Qureshi AM on 17 July 2015 Presentation Murad Qureshi AM_170715

In a major related development, the European Parliament’s Environment Committee voted this morning to tighten the European Commission’s proposals for a new National Emissions Ceilings Directive including binding limits in 2025 Spotlight turns to Government as it tries to comply with a Supreme Court order to publish a new plan within weeks to comply with … Read more

Keynote speech at the Facilities Strategy Summit 2020 on 23 June 2016 (Referendum Day) Clean Air in Cities_230616_Final

Clean Air in London considers that the contribution, if any, of ozone pollution in the circumstances reported throughout the inquest into the tragic deaths of three SAS selection soldiers in July 2013 should be investigated* CAL is today publishing the evidence which it sent to the coroner.  The coroner decided last year that the issue … Read more

New deal for taxi drivers that delivers the ‘Eight point transformation package’ proposed by Clean Air in London and the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association Private hire vehicles must meet the same emission standards as taxis and pay the congestion charge by 2018 given they are not obliged to meet the accessibility and other standards of … Read more

Airports Commission: Consultation on Air Quality Assessment Airport expansion at Heathrow would cause aggravated breaches of nitrogen dioxide limit values and be unlawful Airport expansion at Gatwick would not be consistent with sustainable development Dear Sir Howard Clean Air in London (CAL) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Airports Commission’s new evidence relating to … Read more

In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court has unanimously ordered that the government must submit a proper new air quality plan for the UK to the European Commission no later than 31 December 2015. Importantly, the Court also ruled that there should be provision for liberty for ClientEarth to apply for the determination of such issues … Read more

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has ruled that Transport for London (TfL), trading as the Mayor of London, made a misleading claim in an advertisement when it stated that the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) would ‘reduce vehicle pollution by half’ ULEZ consultation documents showed that vehicle exhaust emissions of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and oxides of … Read more