London MEPs reject air quality postponements ACTION If you care about the serious health impact of air pollution, please email David Miliband on [email protected] and Ken Livingstone on  [email protected] emphasising your local air pollution concerns and that you want World Health Organisation recommended levels of air quality to be achieved urgently in London. Once the … Read more

The Observer breaks the story on air pollution The Observer newspaper broke the story today on the extent of air pollution problems in Central London. In a powerful and well researched article on page 3, Ned Temko, Chief Political  Correspondent,  highlighted  the  real  impact  of  traffic  pollution  at  street  level. 1.    Please read Ned Temko’s … Read more

How can I contribute to this campaign? If you want to register your concern about air pollution in Central London, you should send an email to Eko Dienne at “[email protected]” and copy it to: 1.    Rt. Hon. David Miliband who is the Secretary of State for the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs on … Read more

URGENT: DEFRA CONSULTATION CLOSES ON 11 JULY 2006 My reference: Transport/Defra/01/Website Rt. Hon. David Miliband MP Secretary of State Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Nobel House 17 Smith Square London SW1P 3JR By post and email and also to: Eko Deinne, Air Quality Division, Defra 25 June 2006 Dear Secretary of State The … Read more

My reference: Transport/EU/01 Mr Stavros Dimas The Commissioner for the Environment DG Environment Directorate-General European Commission B – 1049 Brussels Belgium By post and email to: [email protected] 10 May 2006 Dear Commissioner Dimas Revised National Emission Ceilings Directive: Central London I am writing on behalf of The Knightsbridge Association, which represents around 1,000 people and … Read more

Ken Livingstone Chair of TfL Board Central Customer Services 23rd Floor Empress State Building Empress Approach London SW6 1TR 9 April 2006 Dear Mr Livingstone Low emission zone consultation I am writing on behalf of The Knightsbridge Association, which represents over 1,000 people and businesses in the area between Hyde Park Corner and Queen’s Gate, … Read more