‘Clean Air in London’ is calling for an investigation into the Government’s failure to publish a ‘Pollution Alert’ warning the public about HIGH ozone air pollution in southern England on Wednesday 26 June 2024 in the hours immediately before the final Leaders’ debate [in Nottingham] before the General Election. The Secretary of State (for Environment, … Read more

London must be ‘diesel-free’ to comply with new WHO air quality guidelines. Average concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (“NO2”), a toxic gas, monitored in Outer London were significantly lower in the first six months after ULEZ expansion than in the comparable period in 2022-2023.  ‘Clean Air in London’ has published its NO2 analysis and ‘Clean Air Scorecard’ of … Read more

‘Clean Air’ Scorecard 2024 Clean Air in London’s (“CAL’s”) final scorecard for the Mayoral and London Assembly elections on 2 May 2024 has been published here: CAL-529-Ranking-of-Mayoral-manifestos-2024_Version-1.0_020324 CAL has previously scored the manifestos of the leading candidates for Mayor of London in a Clean Air Scorecard for the elections in 2012, 2016 and 2021. This … Read more

ULEZ expansion is an important step on the path to phasing out diesel in London ULEZ expansion targets the final group of diesel vehicles in the last part of London to achieve the Euro 6 emission standard and the comparable Euro 4 emission standard for petrol Eight previous phases of Low Emission Zones, the T-Charge … Read more

Great Smog’s 70th anniversary – Take action! 70 years ago, people were worried about respiratory effects from short term exposure to visible particles from solid fuel burning.  On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Smog (5-9 December 1952), Clean Air in London (CAL) has therefore looked back at the Meteorology Office’s (“Met … Read more

CAL wrote to Defra on 11 August 2021 to raise serious concerns and ask 17 questions about the cosy world of the wood stove industry and its regulators and Defra’s failure to set dates to end the installation and use of wood burning stoves in urban areas.  In response, Defra has failed to answer many … Read more

Only ecodesign-compliant wood burning stoves will be able to enter the UK market from 1 January 2022 Clean Air in London (CAL) has discovered weak historic emission standards, confusion and duplication between the new Ecodesign Regulations and the Clean Air Act 1993, serious unresolved problems with the new emission testing regime and a failure by … Read more

Clean Air in London (CAL) calls for wood burning ban in urban areas CAL has identified 12 facts or principles about wood burning, climate change and air quality after seven months of constructive correspondence with the Climate Change Committee (CCC) The CCC has confirmed its advice “that Government should not support wood-burning stoves as part … Read more

Clean Air in London’s prediction: COP26 will be ‘good’ but not ‘good enough’. Clean Air in London has updated fully its 135-page two-part report to identify the climate change issues and negotiating priorities for each of the top 20 emitters of greenhouse gases globally and selected others ahead of COP26. Clean Air in London’s test: … Read more

Air pollution is the world’s largest environmental health risk killing an estimated seven million people every year. World Health Organisation has halved air quality guidelines for fine particles (PM2.5) and slashed those for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) by 75%. ‘Good practice statements’ published for black carbon, ultra fine particles (UFP) and sand and dust storms. The … Read more

Clean Air Scorecard 2021 Clean Air in London (CAL) has scored the manifestos of the leading candidates for Mayor of London in a Clean Air Scorecard for the elections in 2012, 2016 and 2021.  This is our final scorecard for 2021: CAL 395 Ranking of Mayoral candidates 2021_Final 300421 Our Clean Air Scorecard 2021 is … Read more

Landmark verdict confirms that air pollution significantly caused and significantly contributed to the death of Ella Roberta Adoo Kissi-Debrah on 15 February 2013. ‘Clean Air in London’ calls for new Clean Air Act before COP26 to be called ‘Ella’s Law’ Philip Barlow, Deputy Coroner, delivered his verdict touching on the death of Ella Roberta Adoo … Read more