
European Commission singles out UK with final written warning over levels of dangerous airborne particles

European Commission singles out United Kingdom with final written warning over levels of dangerous airborne particles (PM10) in London and Gibraltar ‘Clean Air in London’ warmly welcomes the European Commission’s ...

‘Clean Air in London’ fighting Government appeal against Order to release details including Ministerial briefings

‘Clean Air in London’ is joining Information Commissioner’s Office at Information Tribunal on 11 and 12 May to fight Government appeal against Order to release details including Ministerial briefings relating ...

EAC must be congratulated for its hard-hitting inquiry and report into air quality

Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) must be congratulated on its hard-hitting inquiry and report into air quality: ‘Early deaths from air pollution shame UK’ ‘Clean Air in London’ (CCAL) has unearthed ...

Minister acknowledges possibility of 35,000 premature deaths in a year due to air pollution in the UK

Government Minister acknowledges, for the very first time, the possibility of 35,000 premature deaths in a year due to air pollution in the UK ‘Clean Air in London’ urges Environmental ...

EAC unearths evidence of over a decade of Government failings or ‘cover-ups’ over air quality premature deaths

Parliament’s powerful Environmental Audit Committee unearths evidence of over a decade of government failings or ‘cover-ups’ over air quality premature deaths Martin Horwood, Liberal Democrat MP for Cheltenham, obtains confirmation ...

Government says ‘there has not been a cover-up’ on air quality premature deaths

Government says ‘there has not been a cover-up’ on air quality premature deaths Government fails to: acknowledge importance of premature deaths as a key metric in communicating health impact of ...

One of the worst public health failings or ‘cover-ups’ in modern history

Clerk of the Committee Environmental Audit Committee House of Commons 7 Millbank London SW1P 3JA By email and post: [email protected] 13 December 2009 Dear Member of the Environmental Audit Committee The ...

European Commission rejects UK application for a time extension to comply with PM10 daily limit value

European Commission rejects United Kingdom application to delay compliance with health based air quality laws for dangerous airborne particles (PM10) in London “The Commission found the air quality plan for ...

Government releases previously unpublished spreadsheets for calculating premature deaths due to air pollution in London after formal information request

Boris Johnson Mayor of London Greater London Authority City Hall The Queen’s Walk More London London SE1 2AA By email:  [email protected] 20 September 2009 Dear Mayor Johnson Government releases previously unpublished ...

‘Clean Air in London’ welcomes ClientEarth’s ‘CleanAir for London’ campaign

‘Clean Air in London’ welcomes ClientEarth’s ‘CleanAir for London’ campaign to ensure full compliance with air quality laws in London in time for the 2012 Olympics and urges all Londoners ...

Liberal Democrats want the UK to fully comply with air quality laws by 2012 Olympics

Liberal Democrats want the UK to fully comply with air quality laws by 2012 Olympics Over 4,400 people estimated to die prematurely in London each year due to air pollution ...

What is the real health impact of poor air quality in Greater London?

The Rt. Hon. Alan Johnson MP Secretary of State for Health Department of Health Richmond House 79 Whitehall London SW1A 2NS By registered post 19 April 2009 Dear Secretary of ...

Clean Air in Cities app

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The app shows current levels of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) globally and the health impact of long-term exposure to PM2.5 for populations in England