
Carcinogenic diesel exhaust disclosed for every significant road in London

Clean Air in London used powerful European access to environmental information laws to obtain 1.5 million pieces of data from the Mayor of London.  Thousands of pages published Top three ...

Highest NO2 of any capital city in Europe again

Boris Johnson must act in ‘Green Week’ in  the ‘Year of Air’ after failing miserably to reduce air pollution London again has the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a ...

‘Tube dust’: broken promises, ‘blind eye turned’ and duty breached

Promises broken about informing the public about ‘tube dust’  Mayor of London ‘turning a blind eye’ to repeated warnings from scientists and others of the dangers of airborne particles including in ...

Highest NO2 in Europe

Clean Air in London’s (CAL’s) analysis of the latest data confirms that London had the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a toxic gas, of any capital city in Europe ...

High levels of ‘tube dust’

Mayor Johnson Chairman Transport for London Windsor House 42-50 Victoria Street London SW1H OTL 18 December 2011 Dear Mayor Johnson Environmental information request reveals high levels of ‘tube dust’ in ...

‘Clean Air in London’ has found 1,148 schools in London within 150 metres of busiest roads

Long-term exposure to air pollution may have contributed to all 15,800 deaths due to cardiovascular causes in London in 2009 (i.e. one in three of all deaths) at an average ...

European Commission grants ‘temporary and conditional exemption’ to comply with PM10 daily limit value

Mayor Johnson stumbles and falls after backward steps on air quality ‘Wake-up call’ to Mayor and so-called ‘greenest Government’ in run-up to London 2012 Olympics Clean Air in London (CAL) ...

Abolishing Western Extension Zone would increase London’s illegal air pollution levels

Abolishing Western Extension Zone would increase London’s illegal air pollution levels Campaign for Better Transport, Campaign for Clean Air in London, ClientEarth, Environmental Protection UK and Friends of the Earth ...

Response to DfT consultation on Euro VI emission limits for heavy duty vehicles: ‘The London Principle’

The Rt. Hon. Ruth Kelly MP Secretary of State for Transport Department for Transport Great Minster House 76 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DR By email to: [email protected]                                             13 September ...

Importance of individual air pollutants confirmed

Importance of individual air pollutants confirmed Air pollution in London is two to three times World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended levels in some of the busiest streets and resulted in ...

Petition Prime Minister for Clean Air in London

Petition Prime Minister for Clean Air in London To all Londoners (and others in the UK) worried about poor air quality: “We are petitioning the Prime Minister to Pledge the ...

The Observer breaks the story on air pollution

The Observer breaks the story on air pollution The Observer newspaper broke the story today on the extent of air pollution problems in Central London. In a powerful and well ...

Clean Air in Cities app

Download our app to keep up to date with air pollution at your location

The app shows current levels of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) globally and the health impact of long-term exposure to PM2.5 for populations in England