
Most-read stories of 2011

The most-read stories of 2011 A look back at the campaign letters and updates that proved the most popular during the year. January Government attempts to keep London air pollution ...

Introduction to Pollution Check

Clean Air in London (CAL) aims to do a Pollution Check every day in the same residential area in central London. Headline results are tweeted at CAL uses a ...

Introduction to the Pollution Suppressor

This webpage provides links to posts and pages about the Pollution Suppressor in London.  See also the YouTube video of the Pollution Suppressor operating by the Marylebone Road air quality ...

Government keeps new ‘right’ under FOI/EIR laws

Court of Appeal decision: Government keeps new right to ‘rely as of right’ upon a different exception or exceptions in proceedings before the Information Commissioner and/or the First-tier Tribunal for ...

High levels of ‘tube dust’

Mayor Johnson Chairman Transport for London Windsor House 42-50 Victoria Street London SW1H OTL 18 December 2011 Dear Mayor Johnson Environmental information request reveals high levels of ‘tube dust’ in ...

Future of air quality legislation

Presentation to the Institute of Air Quality Management AGM on 17 November 2011  

EAC inquiry damns Government’s failure

No Parliamentary Select Committee can ever have published a more damning report of a Government’s failure to protect its people from harm CAL welcomes the EAC’s blistering attack on the ...

Eight wins for ‘Clean Air in London’ in new London Plan

Mayor of London ‘found out’ after looking – yet again – for a loophole to avoid compliance with air quality laws Eight wins for ‘Clean Air in London’ in new ...

Reducing sulphur emissions from shipping

The Transport Committee Reply to the call for evidence submitted by: Clean Air in London 11 October 2011 Sulphur emissions by ships 1.   The Transport Committee has invited written evidence ...

Nitrogen dioxide and racial and social inequalities

Secretary of State Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Area 5F Ergon House Horseferry Road London SW1P 2AL 11 October 2011 Dear Secretary of State Nitrogen dioxide and racial ...

Building understanding of the dangers of poor indoor air quality

  Presentation to the Camfil Farr Roadshow on 10 October 2011  

‘Year of Air’ in 2013 must deliver continuity and the further tightening of health and legal protections

Commissioner Janez Potočnik Commissioner for the Environment European Commission B-1049 Brussels Belgium By email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 30 September 2011 Dear Commissioner Potočnik ‘Year of Air’ in 2013 must deliver ...

Clean Air in Cities app

Download our app to keep up to date with air pollution at your location

The app shows current levels of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) globally and the health impact of long-term exposure to PM2.5 for populations in England