
Airport expansion at Heathrow or Gatwick would breach air pollution laws

Airports Commission: Consultation on Air Quality Assessment Airport expansion at Heathrow would cause aggravated breaches of nitrogen dioxide limit values and be unlawful Airport expansion at Gatwick would not be ...

Major victory for ClientEarth enforcing nitrogen dioxide laws

In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court has unanimously ordered that the government must submit a proper new air quality plan for the UK to the European Commission no later than ...

ASA says TfL made misleading claim in ULEZ advertisement

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has ruled that Transport for London (TfL), trading as the Mayor of London, made a misleading claim in an advertisement when it stated that the Ultra ...

Oxford Street has already breached nitrogen dioxide hourly limit value for 2015

Oxford Street breached the nitrogen dioxide (NO2) hourly limit value for the whole of 2015 on 4 January.  Putney High Street expected to breach on 5 January.  Brixton Road will breach ...

Defra condemned for proposals scrapping local air pollution monitoring

Consultation on proposals to improve local air quality management (LAQM) in England Defra is proposing modified Option 3 from its 2013 consultation on LAQM (now Option 1), that was rejected ...

Complaint to Advertising Standards Authority about Mayor’s ULEZ advertisement

Londoners may be wildly misled by the Mayor’s claims of reductions in vehicle pollution Letter addressed to the Advertising Standards Authority dated 24 November 2014 Dear Sir or Madam I ...

Massive win for ClientEarth on all counts in landmark air pollution case

Court of Justice of the European Union Judgement in Case C-404/13 ‘The Queen, on the application of ClientEarth v The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ ...

Air pollution revealed at Mayor’s 187 Air Quality Focus Areas for first time

Information obtained using powerful European access to environmental information laws despite obstruction by Defra.  Mayor continues to hide more precise information by making it inaccessible to anyone without access to ...

Response to Environmental Audit Committee Call for evidence on air quality

Defra may be shifting from passively covering up the air pollution issue to actively covering up the issue and its role in fighting it Busy fool might have achieved greater ...

Europe at its ‘best’ takes legal action against UK at its ‘worst’ on air pollution

European Commission (Commission) has sent the UK a ‘Letter of formal notice’ for breaching nitrogen dioxide (NO2) limit values in 16 of 43 zones.  The UK is the first of ...

Timely reminder: We need effective, independent and periodic tailpipe testing

Diesel particulate filter check required as part of MOT test from February 2014 Timely reminder of the importance of fully operational diesel particulate filters and emissions control systems and the ...

Response to ‘Call for Evidence – Review of the Clean Air Act’

Call for Evidence excludes the Government’s views or proposed policy options and has not considered the feasibility of implementing selected stakeholders’ views for ‘improving’ the Act Clean Air Act must be updated for modern ...

Clean Air in Cities app

Download our app to keep up to date with air pollution at your location

The app shows current levels of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) globally and the health impact of long-term exposure to PM2.5 for populations in England