‘Clean Air in London’ has found 1,148 schools in London within 150 metres of busiest roads

Long-term exposure to air pollution may have contributed to all 15,800 deaths due to cardiovascular causes in London in 2009 (i.e. one in three of all deaths) at an average ...

Government obtains the right to add or substitute exceptions to avoid disclosing information

Government obtains the right to add or substitute exceptions to avoid disclosing information Information may relate to European Commission’s imminent infraction decision on PM10 The Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) ...

Government attempts to keep London air pollution information secret

Friends of the Earth/Clean Air in London press release Government attempts to keep London air pollution information secret A freedom of information tribunal is being urged by environmental campaigners to ...

‘Clean Air in London’ fighting Government appeal against Order to release details including Ministerial briefings

‘Clean Air in London’ is joining Information Commissioner’s Office at Information Tribunal on 11 and 12 May to fight Government appeal against Order to release details including Ministerial briefings relating ...

Government says ‘there has not been a cover-up’ on air quality premature deaths

Government says ‘there has not been a cover-up’ on air quality premature deaths Government fails to: acknowledge importance of premature deaths as a key metric in communicating health impact of ...

Government releases previously unpublished spreadsheets for calculating premature deaths due to air pollution in London after formal information request

Boris Johnson Mayor of London Greater London Authority City Hall The Queen’s Walk More London London SE1 2AA By email:  [email protected] 20 September 2009 Dear Mayor Johnson Government releases previously unpublished ...

EIR request for information about any meeting between Lord Hunt and Mayor Johnson

Clive Porro Head of Defra’s Information Rights Team Area 1E 3-8 Whitehall Place London SW1A 2HH By registered post and email to [email protected] Your ref: RFI 0000 2490 1 May ...

Clean Air in Cities app

Download our app to keep up to date with air pollution at your location

The app shows current levels of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) globally and the health impact of long-term exposure to PM2.5 for populations in England