
Building public understanding of air pollution

Presentations at Masterclass at Public Service Events conference titled ‘Public health: an update and way forward’ on 24 October 2012.  See: http://www.publicserviceevents.co.uk/masterclass-client/224/public-health/4279 Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air ...

Few local authorities know if their schools use air filters that protect children

Updated 24 November 2012 Air filtration in public buildings in London Few local authorities know if their buildings use regularly maintained air filters that comply with indoor air quality standard ...

Directors of Public Health and Health and Wellbeing Boards urged to act on air pollution

OPEN LETTER Dear Directors of Public Health and members of Health and Wellbeing Boards ‘Invisible’ air pollution is the biggest public health risk after smoking ‘Clean Air in London’ urges ...

Four of nine UK zones have already breached nitrogen dioxide time extension

Time extensions for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) have been breached already in Leicester, North Wales, Nottingham and Portsmouth Worsening in each of the last three years of one of the most ...

New runways (or airports) would breach legal limits for air pollution

Draft Aviation Policy Framework – Response from Clean Air in London Government and Mayor of London are lobbying to weaken air pollution laws Dear Sir or Madam I am writing ...

‘Clean Air in London’ congratulates Policy Exchange on ‘Something in the Air’

The blockbuster report shows: over 85% of the areas with England’s worst air pollution are in London; diesel exhaust is at the heart of air pollution problems in cities; the ...

Evidence to House of Commons Environment Food and Rural Affairs Committee

House of Commons Environment Food and Rural Affairs Committee Reply to the call for evidence submitted by Clean Air in London 6 June 2012 (links to four Guides updated 250612) ...

Boris gets ‘nul points’

Vote for Jenny Jones (Green) or Brian Paddick (Liberal Democrat); and give your second preference to Ken Livingstone (Labour).  Boris Johnson offers no new policies to reduce air pollution and ...

Guide to solutions: Mayor Johnson caught taking backward steps (again)

Mayoral election: Boris Johnson caught reducing health protections for Londoners Vote for Jenny Jones (Green) or Brian Paddick (Liberal Democrat); and give your second preference to Ken Livingstone (Labour).  Boris ...

‘Invisible’ air pollution is biggest public health crisis for decades

  Presentation to the Parliamentary Labour Party Defra Group on 16 April 2012 Note: From media library

10 steps for Clean Air in London

Step 1: Investigate Find out about air pollution near your home, work place or locations you visit Read Clean Air in London’s ‘Quick guide to air pollution’ and ‘Introduction to ...

Environmental Audit Committee ‘disappointed’ by Government’s response to air quality inquiry

Parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) has published the Government’s response to its further inquiry into air quality EAC expresses it’s ‘disappointment’ that Government disagrees with many of its recommendations. Government ...

Clean Air in Cities app

Download our app to keep up to date with air pollution at your location

The app shows current levels of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) globally and the health impact of long-term exposure to PM2.5 for populations in England