
#CodeYellow for Liverpool Marathon and Great Manchester Run

Clean Air in London has issued a #CodeYellow warning to the organisers of the ‘Rock and Roll Liverpool Marathon’ and ‘Great Manchester Run’ for MODERATE air pollution on Sunday 20 ...

#ULEZ and #TCharge are important steps on the path to banning carcinogenic diesel fumes

#ULEZ and #TCharge are important steps on the path to banning carcinogenic diesel fumes in London.  But Mayor Khan must take bigger, stronger and smarter steps to keep his manifesto ...

Open letter to Mayor Khan seeking urgent action on tube dust

Air pollution in the London Underground (‘tube dust’): expert health advice; warnings; and action Dear Sadiq I am writing on behalf of Clean Air in London (CAL) about air pollution ...

Blame Maggie Thatcher and every Government since for knowingly poisoning us with carcinogenic diesel fumes

Blame Maggie Thatcher and every Government since for knowingly poisoning us with carcinogenic diesel fumes Government’s new nitrogen dioxide (NO2) plan reveals bigger problems and less action than expected and ...

Brixton Road breaches NO2 hourly legal limit for 2017 in five days

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) hourly legal limit for the whole of 2017 has been breached in London in just five days World Health Organisation guideline is for no human exposure to ...

‘Breathtaking’ breach of NO2 annual legal limit in eight days

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) hourly legal limit for the whole of 2016 has been breached in London in just eight days World Health Organisation guideline is for no human exposure to ...

Our One Atmosphere film | Lessons from 10 years of campaigning

One Atmosphere film launched Film about the most important lessons learned from 10 years of campaigning on air pollution Ban diesel and wood burning in cities as we banned coal ...

Mayoral candidates must address air pollution killing Londoners

‘Clean Air in London’ (CAL) commissioned the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to update for the first time its ranking of the top 10 death categories for every borough in ...

QC Opinion for ‘Clean Air in London’ on Air Quality Law (including Heathrow)

Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of Clean Air in London, said: “The law about air pollution is not being properly applied.  So ‘Clean Air in London’ (CAL) asked Harrison Grant, ...

Camfil air filters reduced air pollution by up to 93% during worst smog episode

Camfil air filters reduced air pollution in a London office by up to 93% during the worst air pollution episode so far this year Daily mean outdoor particle air pollution ...

Official | Air pollution killed up to 9,400 Londoners in 2010

In a major related development, the European Parliament’s Environment Committee voted this morning to tighten the European Commission’s proposals for a new National Emissions Ceilings Directive including binding limits in ...

Statement in relation to inquest into deaths of three SAS selection soldiers

Clean Air in London considers that the contribution, if any, of ozone pollution in the circumstances reported throughout the inquest into the tragic deaths of three SAS selection soldiers in ...

Clean Air in Cities app

Download our app to keep up to date with air pollution at your location

The app shows current levels of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) globally and the health impact of long-term exposure to PM2.5 for populations in England